Friday 7 March 2008

The secret's out!

Well the secret's out a bit sooner than I expected! The fabulous bead artist Zoya Gutina has very kindly added an article about me and my beadwork to the 'Jewelry Making' section of her website. Take a look and be sure to visit my gallery of work whilst you are there. Zoya also publishes a monthly newsletter on her site, and March's issue which is due out soon, will also include me as 'Featured Partner'. There is a link to Zoya's website on the side bar - go and have a browse at her gorgeous and intricate creations.

Thursday 6 March 2008

It's all happening!

Well I haven't actually managed to do any beading for the last couple of days - even though I've got a queue of projects to test and write up! I've spent the last two days trying to take some half decent photos with my lights and light-tent (I'm afraid my own set-up is nowhere near as neat and tidy as the picture above!) and then messing about with them in Photoshop - this is all new to me and it's taking me ages to get the hang of it. The reason I've spent so much time on this when I should be beading? I've got a very exciting project coming up - I don't want to say too much about it now, but all will be revealed in a few days. Watch this space!

Tuesday 4 March 2008

Feels like Spring!

A touch of snow this morning, but it's a beautiful sunny day now. It's that time of year again when everything seems to burst into shades of pink and yellow - Forsythia and Flowering currant in almost everyone's garden. So today I am fitting in with Nature's theme and working on my pink lap-tray to finish my yellow Primrose Pin. It's one of a series that will be in Bead Magazine hopefully in time for next Spring!

Monday 3 March 2008

First blog!

Well, thought it was about time I joined the band of beading bloggers! The first step was a website and now it's a blog - whew I feel almost modern! It's been such a roller-coaster of a year and suddenly my work is 'out there' and I'm having to come out of my shell. Think I'm going to struggle with blogging to start with, being a naturally quiet and shy kind of girl, but I'll soon get into the swing of it!