Thursday 6 March 2008

It's all happening!

Well I haven't actually managed to do any beading for the last couple of days - even though I've got a queue of projects to test and write up! I've spent the last two days trying to take some half decent photos with my lights and light-tent (I'm afraid my own set-up is nowhere near as neat and tidy as the picture above!) and then messing about with them in Photoshop - this is all new to me and it's taking me ages to get the hang of it. The reason I've spent so much time on this when I should be beading? I've got a very exciting project coming up - I don't want to say too much about it now, but all will be revealed in a few days. Watch this space!


  1. oooh intrigued to find out what the secret is all about.

  2. Don't leave us in suspenders for too long, Kerrie!!

  3. I have just got a new lights and tent set too!!! I just need to work out how to use it so my pictures looks half decent!!!!

  4. Getting the images is right is so important I struggle constantly with it but yours always look stunning anyway. Curious about your secret too lol
    PS Conngratulations on the fature on Zoya's site

  5. The secret's out girls! Chris - that WAS the secret lol! Thanks for the compliment on my pics. btw - it's been a struggle but I think they are looking better :-)

  6. I spent all day trying to photograph jewelry and then play around with it in Photoshop. I finally got some new pieces up on my website this afternoon. I feel your pain!


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